Friday, April 29, 2011

A Royal Masterpiece

Pretty amazing. As someone who believes the wedding is important but the marriage is even more important I didn't think the royal wedding of William and Kate would hold much interest for me. I was wrong. Once Marilyn and I started watching it I was surprised by how interested I was and not just because my wife was interested.

As someone old enough to remember Chuck and Di's wedding, all the rumors and the tragic ending, I pray that this young couple's love, so evident today, continue to grow throughout all their years of marriage.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

From Soul Mates to Stale Mates

I work with many engaged couples. It is not unusual for them to think they are marrying their Soul Mate. My experience is that the women buy into this much more than the men do, although there are plenty of men who think the same thing.

Recently a study out of the University of Winnipeg in Canada reported that women are more likely to become bored in their marriage than men.  When asked to choose descriptors for their own marriage the most frequent answer was that the relationship was "dull." Other commonly picked answers included "lack of fun," "lack of conversation," and "lack of romance."

When you combine this with the fact that women initiate over two thirds of divorces in the United States, you can quickly realize that their soul mate has become their stale mate. That is definitely not good if you want to have a lifelong marriage.

 How is it that the person they could not stand to be away from for even a moment, the person who fulfilled their partner's every need has become dull and boring? As important as that question is, the more important question is to ask what can a couple do to make sure they don't become stale mates.

What are your thoughts on this? What can couples do to keep their marriage relationship alive and exciting?

Next post I'll give you some of my ideas.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm still amazed

The other night I had the opportunity to work with a group of recently married couples. All the couples were married between four months and two years. I could see and feel their desire to be successful in their marriages. We talked about expectations and adjustments and did several exercises. They shared how being open and honest while talking about their successes and challenges, in their still very short marriages, had served them well.

While we all know some couples who believe the myth that once they get married the marriage will take care of itself, it's still amazing to me that so many young couples will do almost whatever it takes to have a successful, lifelong marriage. All we have to do in our churches and parishes is provide them the opportunity to do so.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Grateful for presenters

This past Saturday I trained seven new couples to be future PreCana presenters. When I got into the office this morning I read through the evaluations from a recent PreCana by a relatively new presenting couple, Jeff and Julie.

What a pleasure to read through their evaluations! In a short amount of time they've become a top-notch presenting couple. The engaged really enjoyed the personal examples that Jeff and Julie shared as well as their presenting style.

Pope Paul VI said this years ago and it's still true today: "Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers. If he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses."